"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"A person, a partner,
a parent, a colleague."
"What do you need to learn to become so?"
"How to understand myself, how to make decisions, solve conflicts, communicate. How to gain money and take care of the planet Earth. To make agreements and know what to do when I don't manage to keep them. To discover my talent."
web: www.skolakairos.cz
phone: 777 312 352
What is ZŠ Kairos, z.ú.?

A place, where we look for innovations in education and living together.
Inspiration for other schools and organizations.
6 years of experience
with experimenting
and making sure that alternative approaches to leading a company work well
and financial management
What do we do differently?
We're not trying to change anyone's free will.
We're work with bio-psycho-socio-spiritual interconnection of learning processes.

We're creating a system supporting development of all involved.
Details in the Ethical codex of the school.

In society for change to happen there need to be places that function according to "new" principles. For these places to connect and create a cooperating net. To exchange experience and know how.
We want everyone to have enough capacity to be able to recognize needs of others. The goal is to be able to live together peacefully and for our differences to be something enriching. Dialogue creates the conditions for everyone's freedom.
What do we practice?
Consensus based decisions.
Abundance of resources for everyone - no matter if it is in relation to education, care, support, attention or money...
Restorative justice, system that doesn't use rewards or punishments. We understand conflict as a chance for change for the better.
Our vision

Our guides are aware courageous people who have the capacity to self-reflect. They enjoy sharing what they know and exploring what they don't know.

We have up to 140 students with parents creating a supportive community full of real friendships.

Kids are free to learn, play, rest or create depending on their skill level, talent and interest.

Thanks to KAIROS FREEDOM EDUCATION SYSTEM® there is a new generation of healthy and confident kids growing up to make the world a better place.
We're looking for a place!
Looking for: Someone who is in harmony with our values and who would like to support Kairos Freedom Education System® by lending their name and finances to the project.
Our wish: To have our own space or a space we could rent in the Zadní Třebáň - Dobřichovice area. After that, to open franchise schools all over Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and everywhere else.

What do we need?
Three self-sustainable buildings in the midst of nature with amazing view and a source of drinking water. Easy to reach by train/bus. Everything up to date with technical and hygiene norms.
Garden with a lot of fruit, bushes, beautiful flowers and trees safe to climb. Kids can help with taking care of the garden.
Classrooms furnished and decorated based on theme, not based on age of the attendees. There is a montessori classroom, gym, laboratory, art studio, music room, playroom, community space, school canteen and more.
Our approach is based in:
SEE Learning
complex educational system accredited by Emory University
Nonviolent Communication by Marshalla Rosenberga
Intuitivní pedagogikagames and inner work that teach creativity, cooperation and create new neuron synapses in kids and guides.
What do we practice?
Consensus based decisions.
Abundance of resources for everyone - no matter if it is in relation to education, care, support, attention or money...
Restorative justice, system that doesn't use rewards or punishments. We understand conflict as a chance for change for the better.
+420 777 312 352